Moira Rose (AKKPS 17226) is a Looney Kunes Farm Wilsons Gina she was born on 4/17/2021. Moira is not wattled but both sire and her dam were double wattled. She farrowed for the first time September 17th unassisted. She had 4 boars and 2 gilts. Moira’s image is at the bottom of this blog.
The sire of Moira’s litter is Hinkle Homestead Ru 6 - Rolland Schitt AKKPS 15959
Their litter born on September 17, 2022 has a COI (coefficient of inbreeding) of 7%
Gilt 1 (above image and below Image): Is considered High White, no wattles, and a 5-6 teat line. Moira’s mini registered price $450 (Pending)
Gilt 2 9Below): High white with 1 black ear and one pink ear. She has a 6-6 teat line and is double wattled. Will be registered $600.
Boar 1 Below: Black with a white spot on his head, he is double wattled and has a 5-6 teat line. Sold as a castrated barrow $150 (Sold)
Boar 2 (Below): High White, Big black spot on back, 1 black ear and one half white and half black ear. He is double wattled and has a 5-5 even Teat line. $150 as a Barrow
Boar 3 (Below): He is an awesome tri-color little guy I call him Camo. Since he doesn’t have wattles he will be castrated and sold as a pet or fed out for freezer meat. Barrow $150 Sold
Boar 4 (Below): He is high white with a “leopard” spot on his back (black spot with black skin surrounding with white hair). He is double wattled with a 6-6 even teat line.
Will be Registered $600 (Pending Sale)
Moira Rose Above and Below images