Pumpkin is an IrishMudd Jenny (AKKPS 17340)
Born April 2, 2021 she farrowed for the first time to 6 live double wattled piglets. We sadly lost one of her piglets.
Sire is Hinkle Homestead RU 6 - Rolland Schitt (AKKPS 15959)
Their litter born on September 23rd 2022 has a COI (coefficient of inbreeding) of 10.9%. We aim for 12.5% and below for all of our livestock.
Gilt 1: Ginger with Black spots, double wattled, with a 6-6 teat line. Registered Price $700 (Sold)
Gilt 1: Left side
Gilt 2: Black with white and some brown stripes (we hope don’t fade!) She is double wattled and has a 6-6 teat line. Registered Price $675 (Pending)
Gilt 2 right side
Boar 1: Black with white spots with some pink on his right ear. He is double wattled and has a nice 5-5 even teat line. Barrow $150
Boar 1: Left side
Boar 2: Ginger with Black speckles he is double wattled and has a nice 5-5 even teat line. (Registered Price $600) Sold
Boar 2: Left side
Boar 3: he has a few white spots and a white spot over his right eye. He is double wattled with a 7-7 teat line ($150 Barrow)
Boar 3: Right side